Childrens Mental Health and Wellbeing

As you may know, we are passionate about supporting the emotional wellbeing of children and young people by encouraging creativity, and boosting confidence and connection.

Here you will find our links to support, tips, advice and activities relating to children's mental health and wellbeing.

Support & Advice

This page is ever-evolving and signposts to organisations and charities we have found useful or have had recommended for information, support and advice on childrens emotional development and mental health.

Childrens Mental Health Support
  • The Cheerful Little Letter Project

    With a drive to spread happiness I founded a project matching children with elderly care home residents so they could send each other happy post and spread some joy!

    More on the project 
  • The Together Always Campaign

    When a family member needs to receive hospital treatment it can be a scary time, made worse by having to be apart from your loved ones. We want to support families by offering them some comfort, connection and motivation with our patch and pin gifts. You can now nominate a child/parent who is undergoing treatment to receive a gift.

    More on the project 

School Related Anxiety

It is incredibly tough for families experiencing school anxiety (we are one of them!). We joined forces with the amazing Be Happy Resources to bring you a toolkit to help children aged 5-10 with school related worry and anxiety.

Find out more

A bit about me

So why am I so passionate about children's mental health? Before I started Olive & Pip I worked with young people (in education and as a youth project leader) and I could see how important it is to support their emotional wellbeing at that stage of their life. This is something that has stayed with me and I am driven to make a change and do any little thing that I can.

We are a neurodivergent family who have experienced separation and school anxiety and am also a mentor for young people with SEND/SEMH needs.

I want to promote positive mental wellbeing for both children and grown-ups, whether it be through helping you feel close to one another, creating happy moments or providing opportunities for you to spread joy through one of our campaigns (studies show that when you do good, you feel good too!)

More about Olive & Pip