A heart for you,
A heart for me,
A heart to doodle,
A heart for free,
A heart for happiness,
A heart to feel strong,
A heart for friendship ,
A heart for when things go wrong.
We just love this cute doodle sheet from Be Happy Resources!
It is a mindful activity to help children think about what positive things they could say to themselves for a little motivation and self care. It also supports them to think of kind things they could say to others to make them smile too 😊

And best of all? You can use this sheet for your little one to design their very own
Love Note Heart Patch!
How to use the activity
Download the My Heart Doodles sheet and print it at home.
2) Use each heart to write or draw something bursting with positivity using the prompts.
★ Designs need to be made with a dark felt tip pen if you would like them to be made into a patch. Top Tip: Take a photo of their design using only a black felt tip, then they can colour it in afterwards if they would like to 😊
3) Once your little ones are happy with their designs they could cut the out and display them in their room or on a mirror, or could give them to others to make them smile. If you would like to make a Love Note Heart Patch using one of the designs you can take a photo of their heart and upload it with an order
here. (Don't worry about the outline/text around the design we will remove this when we make their patch)
We hope they enjoy doodling their designs!
A huge thank you to Be Happy Resources for creating this activity for us.
The Be Happy Hub is a unique online wellbeing resource centre for children age 3-11. They have some fabulous resources and activities for your little ones to support their mental health which are easily searchable by age/activity or theme (e.g. separation anxiety, anger etc). Find out more about the hub here!