kids drawing gift

Title: Yuki, Kaisei & Ayana: The Kids Drawing Gift That Travelled the World

kids drawing gift
Having lived in the UK for years, Yuki looked forward to each summer when she could take her children to Japan to visit family. They loved to go swimming, fishing, eating Japanese food, and just spending time with their grandparents. It was a special time that they all loved but with a global pandemic raging, their trips had become impossible. 
Yuki’s children were really missing Grandma and Grandad.
kids drawing gift
As a creative with her own business The Tsubaki making flowers, Yuki was no stranger to design and was happy when Kaisei and Ayana drew a picture of their grandparents. As with so many of the things that children draw, Yuki was touched to see through their eyes and felt the picture would make a great design for a special keepsake. 
kids drawing gift
She decided to print the drawing onto a cushion in a stunning combination of deep blue-grey and gold, finished with the message “Grandpa, Grandma, love you so much!” This was going to be a reminder for her parents of how much they were missed by their grandchildren and something to hold on to until they could see one another again. 
When they saw the kids drawing gift, Yuki and her children were amazed at how beautifully it had turned out. This thoughtful and unexpected surprise made its way to Japan and when Yuki’s parents received it they were touched with emotion.
kids drawing gift
kids drawing gift
But it’s not just receiving the gift that’s been so inspiring. The children love getting involved and helping Mum out with her creative business; photographing, checking orders and packaging, and now they have seen firsthand how a simple drawing can become a meaningful product to show someone just how much they’re loved. 
Create your own kids drawing gift like no other. Find out more here. 
kids drawing gift
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